June 28: Why We Should Celebrate International LGBTQIA+ Pride Day

Do you know the importance of the International LGBTQIA+ Pride Day?

International LGBTQIA+ Pride Day

On June 28 is celebrated the International LGBTQIA+ Pride Day, in this article you will understand why we should talk about this topic beyond the commemorative dates.

Brazil is one of the most diverse countries in the world, however, the data reveals worrying information regarding the safety and right to exist of the LGBTQIA+ population.

In 2020, Antra (National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals) issued a document showing that Brazil is still one of the most violent countries for transgender people in the world.

This entire social scenario reinforces the importance of expanding the dialogue on the issue and expanding actions that urgently guarantee access to basic rights for the LGBTQIA+ population. 

International LGBTQIA+ Pride Day

The International LGBTQIA+ Pride Day and the historical struggle for respect of diversity

The movement for the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community has been organized for decades, not only in Brazil, but in many parts of the world. In any corner of the planet, the flag is the same: to build a more respectful society for the whole community.

Just as in Brazil, groups have been organizing themselves in various parts of the globe. One of the most important episodes started in the United States, in June 1969, with the Stonewall Riots, which not only marked that decade, but also a whole generation of people who share the same struggle.

In New York City, it was common for the community to face police raids, but in rare cases there was a resistance. That is until a group decided to react to the trickery in the gay bar Stonewall Inn and that moment triggered an unprecedented change, this is a historical milestone that contributed to the groups resistance to the abuses and discrimination.

Up to 1960 in the USA, there was an anti-LGBT legislation that criminalized same-sex affection, this was the extent of how conservative the society was at that time. 

The penalties ranged from life imprisonment, castration, electric shock, lobotomy, and surgeries that removed part of the patient's brain.

The scenario was no diferente in Brazil: conservatism and prejudice have also marked our history. In the 1970s, the LGBTQIA+ movement gained body and began to articulate itself.

San Francisco, the Capital of Diversity

The city of San Francisco is the 7th most populous city in the US and the 18th wealthiest in the world. It is known worldwide for two major cultural movements: the Hippie movement and the groups defending the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community.

The city has served as an inspiration for freedom of expression and social engagement in progressive causes for these communities.

In the 1970s, San Francisco experienced a time of great migration; the Castro Street area became known internationally as "the Gay Mecca." Today, the city's gay population is 15%, larger than any American metropolis.

How was the LGBTQIA+ Movement established in Brazil?

The fight of the LGBTQIA+ population in Brazil emerged at an historical moment in the midst of the wave of repression and social injustice that gripped Brazil during the years of the Military Dictatorship.

This period began in 1964 and lasted 21 years. At this time, renowned publications such as the newspapers Lampião da Esquina and ChanacomChana appeared; both were essential for the growth and development of the movement in Brazil.

In 1978, the newspaper Lampião da Esquina appeared and had an openly homosexual slant, although it also addressed other important social issues. One of its main actions was to report the violence against the community's population.

In 1981, a group of lesbians founded the newspaper ChanacomChana, which was sold and distributed at Ferro's Bar, a well-known lesbian bar. Not being approved by the bar owners, the women were expelled in 1983, which led to a political act that originated what became known as the Brazilian Stonewall.

As a result of this uprising, which caused the end of the ban on the commercialization of ChanacomChana, August 19th is considered a milestone in the celebration of Lesbian Pride Day in São Paulo.

LGBTQIA+ Movement: a brief x-ray of Brazil

Over the years, the LGBTQIA+ Movement has fought for fundamental rights for any human being, but unfortunately, these issues are still not tangible for thousands of people. Among the demands are basic rights such as safety, employment, civil registration, and the fight against prejudice, such as homophobia, lesbophobia, and transphobia.

The importance of this subject is undeniable since inclusion and diversity are subjects that can no longer be delayed.

Historical data: What has changed so far?

Up to 1990 homosexuality was considered a disease by the WHO and was "treated" with such methods as: torture, castration, shock therapies and even "corrective" rapes.  

  • An average of 207 LGBTQIA+ people were murdered or committed suicide as a result of hate crimes in the first half of 2021.  
  • A 2020 survey shows that Brazil is the country with the highest number of transgender murders in the world.  
  • The life expectancy of transgender people is extremely low, on average they live to 35 years old.  
  • Homosexuality is still criminalized in 72 countries.

As you have noticed, this is a legitimate struggle that has been going on for decades! The world has seen advances, but there is still much to be accomplished. You don't have to be part of the community to be sensitive to the issue.

 Don't #make-it-wrong!

International LGBTQIA+ Pride Day

The LGBTQIA+ cause in the companies

This historical scenario characterized by conservatism and prejudice has created extremely unequal work environments and a part of the LGBTQIA+ population still faces great obstacles to have job opportunities.

It is clear from the data that we are far from the ideal scenario of a respectful and welcoming environment for all people. What the community seeks is not privilege, but inclusion, and only then will we actually have companies connected to the diversity of the Brazilian population.

Get a better understanding of the situation of the LGBTQIA+ community these days:

  • It is estimated that only 4% of Brazil's trans population have formal jobs with the possibility of promotion and career growth.  
  • Less than half of LGBTQIA+ workers report their sexual orientation in the work environment.  
  • About 65% of gay men have witnessed homophobia in the workplace.  
  • Data shows that 38% of companies have restrictions on hiring LGBTQIA+ people.


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